Instead of using harmful pesticides, consider taking these steps to solve issues while protecting your community’s health.
Resource Guide for Common Issues with Repel, Exclude, Deter

How to manage invertebrates without poison

How to manage rodent problems without poison

How to manage predators without poison

How to manage weeds without poison
Changes in Thinking

The Los Angeles Department of Animal Services has Animal Control Officers to aid residents in rectifying problems and some of the uneasiness that many people face with wildlife. This program allows for a Department representative to provide on-site evaluations, education on methods of exclusion, deterrents and discouragement of wildlife forays into our City neighborhoods.
The source of the problem is not the presence of wildlife, it is the environment that humans provide for them just by the simple manner in how we are the provider of food, water and cover for them. Many people are encouraging wild animals to live near their homes inadvertently or by design. Unfortunately, urban sprawl is something that remains a constant. If we are going to push further and further into the habitat of wild animals we need to be responsible for our behavior. Change in wildlife behavior through negative interactions with humans by using deterrents is one way to alter the types of encounters we have with them. In many cases this will teach further generations to avoid habitats where deterrent measures have been implemented. The opposite is also true as well; if we do nothing and allow things to remain unchecked then the wildlife behavior remains the same.
There are no laws, policies or mandates requiring the Department to remove native wildlife. These animals are a common and important integral part of our ecosystem, biosphere and the circle of life.

We present a non-exhaustive A to Z list of common pesticide chemicals that are known to cause harm to people, pets, and wildlife and should therefore be eliminated from pest management.
Gateway on Pesticide Hazards and
Safe Pest Management
Each listed pesticide name will take you to chemical information pages with links to fact sheets, basic chemical, alternatives, health and environmental effects, regulatory status, key studies and more. CLICK HERE.